Friday, May 11, 2007

Ciao mi amici!

So I leave for Seattle on Sunday, and fly to Rome in 4 days, and it's kind of weird. I have never been on this kind of trip before, and I don't really know what to expect. Things seem unreal, especially since I am in the middle of moving out of my dorm. I'm sure once i make it home the feeling will come over me of "was that all a dream? did that even happen?". But I am very excited. One of my close friends gave me some advice about travelling: "Let it be what it is. Go in with an open mind and don't try to make it something it's not. This way, it will be your own experience." So that's going to be my approach i think.

Some news: I have a website where I will be posting pictures from my trip for you to view. you don't need to be a member to view them, which is nice. Here's the address:

I'm going to finish packing up my stuff now. It's amazing how small my bags look when you think about the fact that i'm going to be living out of them for 8 weeks! I hope finals went well for you, and have a great weekend!
