Monday, June 18, 2007


These last couple weeks have flown by. Last weekend, my friends and I went to Acapulco. I know, I know. Acapulco is just an American tourist attraction and would not help me with my Spanish. But I really wanted to have a break and go to the beach and this was the perfect opportunity. Let´s just say that I had a good time and that mexicanos know how to dance. The water was dirty, but the night life was incredible. This is coming from a person that does not like to party.
This past weekend, we went to Taxco. It´s this small town on the side of a mountain known for its silver mines. There was so much jewelry there. It was ridiculous. Luckily, I don´t like to shop all that much.
My friends and I also found the black market of Cuernavaca. You can find everything for very cheap. It´s totally illegal. The venders pay the cops to look the other way, and that´s how things are done down here. I´m having a great time. Almost too fun for a study abroad program. I´m taking plenty of pictures and will post them on facebook as soon as I get home.

I hope all is well. Have a wonderful summer.


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