Friday, December 21, 2007

Last Night!

Here it is--my very last post from Ireland (excepting possible extreme boredom later tonight). I leave for home in about 10 hours to embark on the longest day of travel that ever existed. But it will all be worth it when I get home to family and snow just in time for Christmas! I am very excited to go home, but I absolutely love Ireland, and I hope to someday come back to Cork. If any of you ever get the chance to go there, you should defnitely take it!

What have I been doing for the past few weeks? Surprisingly enough, mostly schoolwork. I had tons of essays to write, and I just finished up the last one yesterday. Two weekends ago, Stephanie came to visit me and we went to Kinsale, which is a very pretty town on the coast. Also, it is supposed to have excellent seafood. I tried some fish, but honestly, it all tastes the same to me.

Last weekend Andrea^2 came to visit, and we had tons of fun. We went shopping around Cork one day, and the next day I made my third trip to Blarney, which was as pretty as usual. Luckily, we visited Blarney on the day that they had their Christmas festival, so we got our picture taken with a terrifyingly huge snowman, drank mulled wine and ate mince pies, and got to hear some quality Christmas music. It was a very good last weekend for me.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone! I am looking forward to seeing most of you in a few weeks at Gonzaga, and for those that I won't see, continue tearing up the globe and come back with some great stories for us!

Much love,

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