Saturday, March 8, 2008

The start of what I did during my vacation

So, I haven't posted anything on here in forever and so since a lot of time has gone by I have a lot of trips that I've been on, but I'll try not to be excessively long (cause I know this is going to get long).

So, I guess I start back when I went and visited Chris and Molly in Munich. It was weird going out of the country to a place where I really didn't speak the language, but English is so well known everywhere I hoped that it would go well. This was in December and I went with them to their Christmas party for their program. I went site seeing downtown, took some pictures of course. Chris and I tried to go to the opera, but that ended up not working out. Molly and I went to the BMW museum and I wished I had the money to buy the sweet car that I want. We also went to a cool science museum that was enough in German to only make slight sense. Yeah, I also got to watch Molly walk into a glass wall. :P While there I got to experience the difference of feelings of being in a place where there were other Americans, which was somewhat strange considering I only know one other American in Lausanne. I got to eat some authenic food and had a good time.

My family came over for Christmas to come see me (and it was a pretty good excuse to come to Europe). So the first week they were here with me in Lausanne. I took my brothers out with me Friday night, that was pretty funny, cause they don't speak French and didn't feel so inclined to come, but it went okay, although I went home pretty early. So in Lausanne played tour guide for them and basically chilled after finishing up some nasty weeks of tests and school and enjoyed Christmas.

While in Switzerland we went to the chateau de Chillon. Its was a gigantic refridgerator, so it was freezing, but it was really cool to wander through and read about some of the famous prisoners that they kept chained up in the dungeon.
The day after Christmas, we got on the TGV and went to Paris. Paris was fun. It was wet and foggy and cold, but we saw all the cool things like Notre Dame, les Champs Elysses, l'arc de triomphe, le tour eiffel, le Louvre et quelques choses d'autres. Basically it was crazy whirlwind touring and having issues with getting the right tickets for the metro system, but oh well. I will need to go back there at a more relaxed pace to really get a feel for the place, but it was a nice quick overview getting in some important sites.
Umm, well while in Paris, we went to Disneyland, cause the rest of my mom's family at home all went to California to go to Disneyland for Christmas, so not to be left out, we went to EuroDisney. It was typically european aka everything was smaller, but I got to ride some coasters so that was good. We didn't use the fast pass system as effectively as we should of and stood in some pretty long lines, but it was fun and reminded me why theme parks just aren't as good as coaster parks.
So then with the rest of my family sick of hearing French and not having a clue as to what was going on we got on the EuroStar and took the Chunnel to England. My dad enjoyed it cause he loves trains, but for me it's become everyday, I guess now that I think about it, it will be weird to come home and to not have trains or metros or public transportation that actually works. But then again it will be weird to drive a car and have parking lots everywhere too.
So now in London, we rented this sweet apartment that had cellphone looking things for elevator floor devices. (Of course I took a picture so you'll have to see that, but during this whole trip I took over a 1000 pics and thats kinda like a million hundred, so my plan is to go through them and pick a few good ones to post, but if any one feels so inclined to see the million hundred of them, I can send them to you or give you a link to them)
K, so in London, we rode around on the classic double-decker red buses and of course we had to sit up top, cause otherwise you miss half the fun. And we saw a million hundred of the typical red phone booths. And Buckingham Palace and Big Ben and Westminster Abbey and a million hundred things. The sparkly crown jewels and the Tower of London and went to some museums and the one occasion I have been to McDo's, cause seriously they are everywhere along with Starbucks and Claires of all things. Yeah, so I guess about half way through this it was New Year's and they did fireworks for forever and a half. It was crazy, seriously like two hours of fireworks. At some point in here I got sick and slept through a day, but recovered and got out afterwards. I could go into more specifics, but would have to look at my pics to remember everything better.
So then my mom and I finally flew into Rome. And I will have to continue my vacation from there later. So I'll try to finish up soon.

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